Thursday, February 10, 2011

Photo Challenge: Cold

For those of you who already saw this post I'm sorry for messing up! I should have had a picture of something red for last weeks.... oops.

Well this weeks challenge is COLD. This is definitely a challenge for me because honestly it is cold outside but there isn't any snow... so how do you show that it is right around freezing when it doesn't show in a picture. I really started thinking and trying to come up with something and finally I had an idea.. Ice cubes are cold :)

I think that it turned out pretty good.. and this challenge definitely made me have to think outside of the box!

I'm hoping that next weeks is easier than this one!!


  1. You aren't kidding Alise! That looks super duper cold. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! : ) Great idea. Pretty bowl. LOVE the tablecloth!
